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NASA-Foto der Mondlandefähre

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NASA-Foto der Mondlandefähre
NASA-Foto der Mondlandefähre

NASA-Foto der Mondlandefähre

20 x 25 cm.
Gedruckt auf KODAK Papier.
Zertifiziert durch die NASA und aufgenommen 1969.

Prezzo del catalogo € 1.500 - 2.500 Prezzo del catalogo€ 1.500 - 2.500  $ 1,605 - 2,675
£ 1,200 - 2,000
元 11,640 - 19,400
₽ 140,235 - 233,725

Unten links mit dem Schatten von Neil Armstrong, der das Foto am Rande des Little West Kraters aufgenommen hat.

NASA. (12606814) (13)

NASA photo of the lunar module

20 x 25 cm.
Printed on KODAK photo paper.
Certified by NASA, photographed in 1969.

The shadow of Neil Armstrong is visible in the lower left. He took this photograph at the edge of the Little West crater.



Down-Sun photograph of the Lunar Module taken by astronaut Neil Armstrong during his return from the rim of Little West Crater. We can see the shadow of Armstrong taking the picture on the down left corner of the picture. While Armstrong was taking pictures Aldrin was still at the MESA, a framework for analyzing traces of message- based systems.


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