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Iron Man Handschuh

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Iron Man Handschuh
Detailabbildung: Iron Man Handschuh
Iron Man Handschuh

Iron Man Handschuh

30 x 13 cm.
Marvel Studios.
Iron Man 2, 2010.

Katalogpreis € 12.000 - 18.000 Katalogpreis€ 12.000 - 18.000  $ 12,840 - 19,260
£ 9,600 - 14,400
元 93,120 - 139,680
₽ 1,121,880 - 1,682,820

Dieser Handschuh wurde in der Produktion von „Iron Man 2“, Regie Jon Favreau, Produktion Marvel Studios, 2010, verwendet, und ist zusammen mit dem Helm das Merkmal Iron Mans mit dem höchsten Wiedererkennungswert. (12606815) (13)

Iron Man glove

30 x 13 cm.
Marvel Studios.
Iron Man 2, 2010.
Certificate of origin and authenticity.

This glove was used in the production of the 2010 movie “Iron Man 2” directed by Jon Favreau and produced by Marvel Studios and is, together with his helmet, one of Iron Man's most recognizable features.

This gauntlet was used by actor Robert Downey Jr. in his role as Tony Stark/ Iron Man during the filming of the second movie dedicated to the superhero. The glove includes a functioning light which makes it 100% sure it was used on screen. Iron Man is certainly one of the most loved superheroes of all times, especially thanks to the many movies that feature him in the Marvel Universe. Iron Man possesses powered armor that gives him superhuman strength and durability, flight, and an array of weapons. The weapon systems of the suit have changed over the years, but Iron Man‘s standard offensive weapons have always been the repulsor rays that are fired from the palms of his gauntlets. The gauntlet is probably the most recognizable feature of Iron Man suit together with the helmet. The design of his spectacular suit is unmistakable and many artists contributed to its final exceptional look. First we have the work of Ryan Meinerding and Daren Dochterman the conceptual illustrators that prepared the design that was chosen by production designer J. Michael Riva that says: “It was decided early on that we wouldn’t change the helmet and just try and find a way to make the rest of the suit feel a little bit more advanced”. Then, after the new look was decided they passed the job to Ironhead Studio and his director and founder Jose Fernandez, famous prop maker and artist that realized all the “Iron Man 2” suits. 

Dieses Objekt wurde mit dem Datenbestand des Art Loss Registers individuell abgeglichen und ist dort weder als gestohlen, noch als vermisst registriert.


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