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Chondrit Meteorit

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Chondrit Meteorit
Chondrit Meteorit

Chondrit Meteorit

7 x 6 cm.
Gewicht: 228 g.
Fundort: Nordwestafrika.
Alter: 4,55 Milliarden Jahre. (12606810) (13)

Prix de catalogue € 1.000 - 1.500 Prix de catalogue€ 1.000 - 1.500  $ 1,070 - 1,605
£ 800 - 1,200
元 7,760 - 11,640
₽ 93,490 - 140,235

Chondrite meteorite

7 x 6 cm.
Weight: 228 g.
Site of discovery: Northwest Africa.
Age: 4.55 billion years.


Oriented meteorites have frozen in their shape and surface the record of their fiery passage through the Earth’s atmosphere. All meteorites arrive on the surface of our world by the same experience, but only the rare few that are stable during flight will show the marks of ablation and accumulation. These are the oriented meteorites and are the rarest kind of chondrites. Some of these marks are radial flow lines, splattered material clinging to the sides behind the forward surface, and lips and ridges of melted material that has flowed as liquid back from the front. These marks are called regmaglypts. Chondrites are stony (non-metallic) meteorites that have not been modified due to melting or differentiation of the parent body. They are formed when various types of dust and small grains that were present in the early solar system accreted to form primitive asteroids. Their study provides important clues for understanding the origin and age of the Solar System, the synthesis of organic compounds, the origin of life and the presence of water on Earth. Chondrites were formed by the accretion of particles of dust and grit present in the primitive Solar System which gave rise to asteroids over 4.55 billion years ago. These asteroid parent bodies of chondrites are (or were) small to medium-sized asteroids that were never part of any body large enough to undergo melting and planetary differentiation. The scientific community generally accepts that these spheres were formed by the action of a shock wave that passed through the Solar System, although there is little agreement as to the cause of this shock wave. An article published in 2005 proposed that the gravitational instability of the gaseous disk that formed Jupiter generated a shock wave with a velocity of more than 10 km/s, which resulted in the formation of the chondrules. 


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